
Academic Club Sites

Web Development for SCAD's UX club

Project Overview

On a team of three with Andrew Goodridge and Eric Flatt, I helped develop the websites for SCAD FLUX, the UX club at SCAD, while I served as an executive member of the club. The two websites I helped design are the FLUX's official site as well as the STARTUP 2021 site, SCAD FLUX's largest event of the year.


  • Web Developer


  • Gatsby.js
  • Sanity CMS
  • SCSS



Project Information


Landing Page for SCAD FLUX

Languages/Technologies: Gatsby.js, SCSS, Sanity CMS

The Story

When I arrived at SCAD in 2019, I needed to find a place for myself to belong as a UX designer. I knew no one in my major and I found SCAD FLUX, SCAD's UX design academic club. I would attend their events and I knew that I, one day, wanted to be a part of that team that made UX a community. Today, I serve as one of the two web developers for the club as an executive member.


The SCAD FLUX site is meant to serve as the hub for all things FLUX, including our events and the community that makes up FLUX. Upcoming events are easily visible and SCAD students + alumni are free to send us their portfolio for us to add to the community board we have. The space for the community is particularly very important to me because it showcases who comprises FLUX outside their executive members. At the end of the day, FLUX exists for its community and not the other way around. Additional sections include link any of FLUX's resources including our active Discord server and mentoring programs.

SCAD StartUp 2021 Site

Landing Page for StartUp 2021

Languages/Technologies: Gatsby.js, SCSS, Sanity CMS

The Story

SCAD StartUp is the largest student-led event at SCAD and I am proud to now be a part of the team. My first year at SCAD I participated in StartUp and although I did not win, it is definitely a time I will remember for the rest of my life. Being part of team is surreal and getting to see behind the scenes is absolutely breathtaking. Savannah and Lara, the co-directors for the 2021 event, worked very hard to adapt the event for an online-only format.


The StartUp site is the ultimate resource for those participating in the event. While the website is crucial for recruitment, it has always been a hub of information. If you have any questions, the website should be able to answer it, whether it is about the schedule, the deliverables or our awesome selection of judges and mentors. I particularly focused on designing the schedule, deliverables and FAQ page. These pages had a big focus on grid based design and I had a great time learning and mastering CSS grid to accomplish the task.